Background. Downhill mountain biking (DMB) is a subdiscipline of mountain biking. Rider skill seems to be the most influencing variable for DMB performance. In order to classify skill level, the aim of the present study was to investigate DMB-participants in terms of accident involvement, demographic and psychological variables, and to categorize them after their completion of trails (easy vs difficult) in a bike park.
Methods. 190 DMB riders (DMBR) were asked about their accidents, injuries and psychological variables at two different bike parks (table I). 112 answered the questionnaire after completing an easy trail (ET; 4³+B or 4²+B) and 78 after a difficult trail (DT; 8³+B or 8+B). To calculate group differences, Mann-Whitney U and Chi² Tests were used.
Results. Significant differences detected that DT riders were younger, consisted of more males, had more experience in years and higher frequency per week than ET riders. No significant difference was found in accident involvement. All but one person reported to wear at least a helmet as protection equipment. Knee and back protection usage was significantly higher in DT riders. DT riders perceived their sport as more dangerous, reported higher deliberate risk-taking and experienced higher sensations during DMB.
Conclusions. The differences between ET riders and DT riders show the need of preventive steps, such as risk assessment capability, even for more experienced riders.
Accidents and Risk Related Behaviours in Downhill Mountain Biking in Regard to Trail Choice
A. Frühauf, M. Huter, E. Weiß, M. Kopp
Original Article, 274-279
Keywords: extreme sports, High-risk sports, motives, protection equipment,
Table of Content: Vol. 10 (No.2) 2020 April/June
Systems & Methods in Extreme Sports Medicine
F. Feletti, A. P. Moorhead, O. Mei-DanEditorial, 154-155 -
Injury Patterns and Wilderness Medical Preparedness in BASE Jumping
J. W. Sieker, G. M. Vilke, M. S. Schongalla, O. Mei-DanOriginal Article, 156-164 -
Use of a Prospective Survey Method to Capture a Picture of Overuse Injuries in Kitesurfing
R. Paiano, F. Feletti, M. Tarabini, P. BuzzacottOriginal Article, 165-170 -
Injury Prevention in The Sport of Surfing: An Update
A. NathansonOriginal Article, 171-178 -
Injuries in Mountain Biking and Implications for Care
D.C. Fiore, K. M. Fellows, T. A. HennerOriginal Article, 179-191 -
Rodeo Injuries: The Role of Safety Equipment
C. R. Reisenauer, J. W. StonebackOriginal Article, 192-200 -
Current Trends in Sport Climbing Injuries after the Inclusion into the Olympic Program. Analysis of 633 Injuries within the years 2017/18
C. Lutter, T. Tischer, T. Hotfiel, L. Frank, A. Enz, M. Simon, V. SchöfflOriginal Article, 201-210 -
A Review of Head Injury and Impact Biomechanics in Recreational Skiing and Snowboarding
D A. Patton, A. S. McIntosh, B. E. Hagel, T. KrosshaugReview, 211-232 -
Tendon Injuries in the Hands in Rock Climbers: Epidemiology, Anatomy, Biomechanics and Treatment – An Update
V. Schöffl, I. Schöffl, L. Frank, T. Küpper, M. Simon, C. LutterOriginal Article, 233-243 -
Assessment of the Ultimate Actual Strength of Rock-Climbing Protection Devices: Extraction Tests in the Field and the Human Capability to Predict the Ultimate Strength
A. Manes, F. CadiniOriginal Article, 244-256 -
Practical and Conceptual Analysis of Wingsuit BASE Flight
A. Stöckl, J. Sieker, A. Westman, O. Mei-DanOriginal Article, 257-268 -
Altitude Training and Endurance and Ultra-Endurance Performance
M. MarzoratiMini - Review, 269-273 -
Accidents and Risk Related Behaviours in Downhill Mountain Biking in Regard to Trail Choice
A. Frühauf, M. Huter, E. Weiß, M. KoppOriginal Article, 274-279 -
Hand-arm vibration in motocross: measurement and mitigation actions
M. Tarabini, N. Mauri, I. Gaudio, S. Cinquemani, A. P. Moorhead, R. Bongiovanni, F. FelettiOriginal Article, 280-289 -
Review on Reported Concussion, Identification and Management in Extreme Sports
C. N. Seehusen, V. Mucci, K. E. Welman, C. J. Browne, F. Feletti, A. J. ProvanceReview, 290-299 -
Surgical treatment of muscle injury. A review of current literature and indications
A. Giai Via, G. Discalzo, F. Oliva, R. Matteotti, N. MaffulliReview, 300-308 -
Conceptualising Performance Enhancement in Extreme Sports: Combining Physiological and Psychological Perspectives
E. Monasterio, E. Brymer, I. StewartOriginal Article, 309-314 -
An Ecological Dynamics Perspective of Return to Play Decision-Making for Extreme Sport Athletes
J. Nyland, A. Smith, B. Pyle, O. Mei-DanOriginal Article, 315-324 -
Protective and Supportive Garments and Bracing to Enhance Extreme Sport Performance and Injury Prevention
J. Nyland, A. Cecil, R. Singh, C. Raj PandeyOriginal Article, 325-332 -
A Systematic Review of Smart Clothing in Sports: possible Applications to Extreme Sports
S. Scataglini, A. P. Moorhead, F. FelettiOriginal Article, 333-342