Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning or Self-Myofascial Release on Muscle Power in Men Trained

SUMMARY Objective. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle power gains when trained men were submitted to the ischemia preconditioning (IPC) and Self-myofas­cial release (SMR). Methods. This study included 16 men healthy and regular practitioners of resistance training. Prior to training sessions, the Muscle-Bone cross sectional area was estimated (Muscle-Bone CSA estimate). All … Continued

Simultaneous Ligament Injury in Osteochondral Lesions of Talus in MRI Scans

SUMMARY Introduction. Considering the high prevalence and very difficult treatment of talus osteochondral lesions and uncertainty regarding the exact cause of this type of lesion in the ankle, it is necessary to investigate the accompanying factors. Therefore, using MRI images, this retrograde study was designed to investigate the frequency of chronic ligament injuries in patients … Continued

Associated ACL Reconstruction and Meniscal Repair do not Affect the Evolution of Isokinetic Parameters in Professional Athletes: A Prospective Study with a One-Year Follow-Up

SUMMARY Background. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is the most frequent ligament inju­ry in athletes and is often accompanied by a traumatic meniscus tear. When a patient is submitted to a concomitant ACL reconstruction and meniscal repair, early rehabilita­tion caution might slightly delay knee function progress, potentially affecting gains in range of motion, strength recovery … Continued

Quadriceps Force Fluctuation During Maximal Isometric Contraction is Altered in ACL Injury and is Associated with Lower Limb Functional Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study with Athletes

SUMMARY Objective. This study aims to investigate the effects of ACL injury on force fluctuation measures (stability and complexity) of the quadriceps muscle, and how these measures relate to functional performance. Methods. Forty-two athletes (14 females) with unilateral ACL injury were assessed. Quadriceps maximal isometric contraction was performed for both limbs before any surgical intervention. … Continued

Effect of Gluteus Medius Strengthening on Pain, Function, and Muscle Macromorphology in Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: Randomized Controlled Trial

SUMMARY Background and purpose. Low back pain (LBP) is a common health problem that hinders patients’ daily activities. During hip physical examination on LBP patients, gluteus medius (GMed) weakness and tenderness were found. Therefore, in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP), this study examined the effect of adding specific GMed strengthening to the … Continued

Strength Training with Same Ranges of Motion at Different Muscle Lengths does not Change Muscle Activation among Synergist Muscles

SUMMARY Objective. Strength training adaptations involve the synergistic activation of different muscles during training and rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to verify changes in electromyographic activity and the synergism of Vastus Medialis and Vastus Latera­lis after 12 weeks of knee extension training. Methods. Eighteen untrained young women were divided into 2 groups, performing … Continued

Effects of the Suboccipital Muscle Inhibition Technique on Pain, Functional Disability and Quality of Life in Patients with Sacroiliac Joint Pain: a Randomized Controlled Trial

SUMMARY Background. Sacroiliac joint pain is a common source of lower back pain, affecting a large number of the global population. However, Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) have been shown to be effective in managing this condition but there has been limited exploration of the potential additional benefits of combining METs as convention­al treatment with other … Continued

More Training, Less Trainability: True? A muscle Swelling Analysis

SUMMARY Background. It is still not clear what physiologically differentiates trained individu­als from untrained individuals regarding the ability to hypertrophy, with speculation that these individuals may present different swelling levels in response to the same training load. Objective. This study aimed to compare the response of muscular swelling between eight adults from the More Experienced … Continued

Reference Values of Physical Performances in Young Female Basketball Players in Palestine: Effect of Maturity Status

SUMMARY Background. Limited research has investigated the relationship between anthropomet­ric profile, biological maturity, and specific physical performances in female basketball players. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the influence of chronological age and maturity status on anthropometric variables and physical performances. Methods. One-hundred-fifty female basketball-players aged between 12-16 years participated in this … Continued