Purpose. To evaluate the effect of β-tricalcium phosphate (BCP) concentration in bioabsorbable interference screws on tibial tunnel widening after hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Methods. A total of 37 patients with a mean follow-up of 4.6 years were included for analysis. Bioabsorbable interference screws containing 60% BCP and 40% poly-L,Dlactic acid (PLDLA) (60BCP group) or bioabsorbable interference screws containing 30% BCP and 70% PLDLA (30BCP group) were used for tibial graft fixation.
A 16-slice multislice computertomography scanner with post-process multislab reconstructions was used for tibial tunnel evaluation. The tibial tunnel diameter was measured at the midpoint of the tunnel. Tunnel widening was defined as an increase of more than 2 mm compared to the intraoperative drill diameter.
Results. Patient demographics were not statistically different between both groups.
The number of patients that showed tibial tunnel widening was high but did not differ statistically significant between the 60BCP and 30BCP group: 76% (n = 17) versus 75% (n = 20) for 60BCP and 30BCP group, respectively. The average increase in tibial tunnel diameter did not differ statistically significant between the groups; the tibial tunnel diameter increased with an average of 3.36 mm (SD 1.86) and 2.94 mm (SD 1.63) for the 60BCP and 30BCP group, respectively.
Conclusions. A high incidence of tibial tunnel widening was observed when bioabsorbable interference screws containing different concentrations of β-tricalcium phosphate
were used to fixate the hamstring graft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Increasing the concentration β-tricalcium phosphate did not result in less tunnel widening.
Comparable Tibial Tunnel Widening despite Compound Differences of Bioabsorbable Interference Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Retrospective Study
G. T. A. Krist, B. B. Koc, R. Borghans, M. G. M. Schotanus, E. J. P. Jansen
Original Article, 542-547
Keywords: ACL, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, bioabsorbable screw, tunnel enlargement., tunnel widening,
Table of Content: Vol. 12 (No.4) 2022 October/December
Orthobiologic Injectables in the Ankle Joint: a Narrative Review
E. Y. Roh, M. S. Rana, K. C. McInnis, D. R. Bakal, H. Borgstrom, J. Borg-SteinReview, 453-477 -
Achilles Tendon Rupture in Professional Football Player: an Epidemiological Study in European Championship With A Mid-Term Follow-Up
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Insertional Achilles Tendon Repair with Bioabsorbable Anchors and Suture
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Inflammatory Response of Skeletal Muscles to a High-Fat Diet
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Association of Arthroscopically-Assisted Latissimus Dorsi Tendon Transfer with Implantation of a Subacromial Balloon Spacer for Patients with Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears
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Efficacy of Liposomal Bupivacaine in Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
S. I. Alaqaili, M. F. Al-Saati, M. Y. Alyousef, M. A. Alzayer, A. S. Alsultan, M. M. Alzahrani, S. M. AlqahtaniReview, 511-521 -
The Effects of Neuromuscular Electric Stimulation on Pain, Function, Muscle Strength and Muscle Architecture in Patients with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathies
E. M. Ersever, N. A. Guzel, H. Genc, C. MulkogluOriginal Article, 522-529 -
The Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI): Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Italian Version
M. D’Agostino, M. Panico, A. Marsocci, F. Angelini, F. Casile, A. Graffitti, F. MagnificaOriginal Article, 530-536 -
Evaluation of Serum Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D Levels and History of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation in Patients with Calcified Shoulder Tendinopathy
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Comparable Tibial Tunnel Widening despite Compound Differences of Bioabsorbable Interference Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Retrospective Study
G. T. A. Krist, B. B. Koc, R. Borghans, M. G. M. Schotanus, E. J. P. JansenOriginal Article, 542-547 -
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Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning on Functional and Neuromuscular Performance of Lower Limbs of Male Amateur Soccer Players: Protocol for a Randomized Trial
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Relation Between Components of Oral Health and Sarcopenia in Older Adults: a Narrative Review
P. Kumar, S. Varshney, N. GirishReview, 570-593 -
Fascicle Orientation of Superficial Back Muscles Attached to the Posterior Layer of the Thoracolumbar Fascia: a Morphometric Study Using Human Cadavers
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Evaluation of Torque, Electromyographic Activity and Neuromuscular Efficiency of the Internal Oblique Muscle in Pilates Practitioners
A. C. Panhan, M. Gonçalves, C. Cirino, A. C. Cardozo, F. Bérzin (deceased)Original Article, 600-603 -
Stabilization Exercises versus Flexi-Bar Exercises in Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: Pain, Disability, Back Muscles Endurance. A Randomized Controlled Trial
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