Background. The treatment of supraspinatus tendinopathy remains a challenge for the health professional. This study aims to analyze the precision of needle interventions in lesions of the supraspinatus tendon when conducting them in an ultrasound-guided or non-ultrasound guided (blind) manner.
Methods. Study on cadaver with infiltrations performed under ultrasound control or blind after randomization of the parts and participants. Twenty fresh cadaveric shoulders and 30 practitioners with experience using musculoskeletal ultrasound and doing needle interventions. Each practitioner performed 4 ultrasound-guided and 4 unguided punctures. This provided 240 punctures that were analyzed in 3 different anatomical cuts, thus providing a database of 720 measurements for statistical analysis.
Results. Statistically significant differences were observed (p<0.0001) in the distance to the bullet point between the ultrasound-guided and the non-guided infiltrations. It was estimated that the unguided punctures were performed on average 10mm farther from the bullet point than the ‘ultrasound-guided’ punctures. The ultrasound-guided punctures demonstrated 95% precision while the unguided punctures had a precision rate of 12.5% (p <0.0001).
Conclusion. Interventions of the supraspinatus tendon should be performed in an ultrasound- guided manner to facilitate administration of the treatment in the proper area.
Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus blind interventions for supraspinatus tendinopathy: a cadaveric study
F. Abat, J. Campos, J. Torras, M. Madruga, G. Planells , A. Rodriguez-Baeza
Original Article, 328-337
Keywords: injections, interventions, tendon, treatment., ultrasound guided, usget,
Table of Content: Vol.9 (No.3) 2019 July/September
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Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus blind interventions for supraspinatus tendinopathy: a cadaveric study
F. Abat, J. Campos, J. Torras, M. Madruga, G. Planells , A. Rodriguez-BaezaOriginal Article, 328-337 -
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