Background. A ligamentum capitis femoris (syn. ligamentum teres) is one of the least studied anatomical structures. We know little about its role in the musculoskeletal system, and even less about its first written mentions.
Purpose. This article is intended to clarify who and when first described the connection of the head of the femur in the medical literature, and to provide a hypothesis about its first mention in the history of mankind.
Material and methods. We reviewed the oldest written sources available to us, covering the anatomy of the hip joint and ligamentum capitis femoris.
Conclusion. The first description of the ligamentum capitis femoris in the medical text is given by Hippocrates of Kos in the treatise Instruments of Reductions (V-IV century BC). According to our hypothesis, the first in the history of mankind to mention a ligamentum capitis femoris, is contained in the ancient literary monument of Torah (XII-II century BC), there it is first reported about its damage, which led to disruption of walk biomechanics. The article will contribute to the further study of the ligamentum capitis femoris, the search for effective methods of treatment and prevention of its pathology.
Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions
S.V. Arkhipov, D.V. Skvortsov
Original Article, 156-164
Keywords: biomechanics of hip joint, gait pathology, history of medicine, Ligamentum capitis femoris,
Table of Content: Vol.9 (No.2) 2019 April/June
Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions
S.V. Arkhipov, D.V. SkvortsovOriginal Article, 156-164 -
The anatomical characteristics of Vietnamese adult hip joint: a multiplanar reconstruction computer tomographic study
D. Tran Trung, H. Pham Trung, M. Truong Cong, N. Maffulli, T. Nguyen TrungOriginal Article, 165-172 -
Evolution of isokinetic strength and return to sport after proximal hamstring rupture without surgical repair: a retrospective series of cases
A. Fouasson-Chailloux, P. Menu, O. Mesland, Y. Guillodo, V. Crenn, M. DautyOriginal Article, 173-180 -
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis to evaluate lower-limb biomechanics and conservative treatment
V. Balachandar, M. Hampton, O. Riaz, S. WoodsOriginal Article, 181-193 -
Combined reconstruction of the medial patellotibial and patellofemoral ligaments
N. Maffulli, R. Aicale, D. Tarantino, D. A. YoungOriginal Article, 194-201 -
Repair of antero lateral ligament injuries in acute anterior cruciate ligament tears: an in vivo study using navigation
E. Monaco, A. Ponzo, D. Lupariello, P. Rota, M. Fabbri, R. Lanzetti, D. Mazza, A. FerrettiOriginal Article, 202-209 -
Isokinetic strength profile of subjects with proximal patellar tendinopathy
J.F. Kaux, J.L. Croisier, V, LibertiauxOriginal Article, 210-216 -
Histological alterations to the hamstring tendon caused by cleaning during autograft preparation
Y. Okazaki, T. Furumatsu, A. Maehara, S. Miyazawa, Y. Kamatsuki, T. Hino, T. OzakiOriginal Article, 217-224 -
Teenagers’ perceptions of their scoliotic curves. An observational study of comparison between sports people and non- sports people
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Fifth metatarsal tuberosity avulsion fractures: a new surgical technique without metal implant
F.F. Sesti, F. Oliva, R. IundusiOriginal Article, 236-240 -
Reconstruction of acute distal biceps tendon ruptures with ToggleLoc. Clinical, functional and radiographic outcomes at 5-year follow-up
R.M. Lanzetti, D. Lupariello, D. Topa, M. SpolitiOriginal Article, 241-245 -
Comparison of distal versus proximal-distal kinesio taping effects on gait initiation profile in athletes with functional ankle instability
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The efficacy of knee orthoses following anterior cruciate ligament injury. Review of literature
M. KarimiReview, 282-294 -
Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire: translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Italian version (MSK-HQ-I)
G. Galeoto, V. Piepoli, E. Ciccone, R. Mollica, C. Federici, F. Magnifica, A. ServadioOriginal Article, 295-303 -
Retraction, 304