Background. Limited research has investigated the relationship between anthropometric profile, biological maturity, and specific physical performances in female basketball players. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the influence of chronological age and maturity status on anthropometric variables and physical performances.
Methods. One-hundred-fifty female basketball-players aged between 12-16 years participated in this study. Anthropometric measurement and physical performances such as sprinting performances, jumping performances, 1-kg throw, agility tests and 20-m run test were recorded. Players were aligned by age categories (U-12 to U-16) and 5 maturational groups according to their maturity offset from -1.5 to 2.5 years from Peak-Height-Velocity (PHV). Full model and multiple regression were used to identify which anthropometric parameters significantly contributed to performance variables.
Results. Anthropometric variables demonstrated early development of lower limbs length, which led to significant improvements in jumping performance. Increases in body composition and fat mass significantly influenced the physical performances (p < 0.05) such as in endurance performance were observed around-after the PHV. A positive correlation (p < 0.05) was observed between anthropometric variables and age, which proved to be the best predictor of all physical performance.
Conclusions. This study provides novel normative data on specific physical performances in female Palestinian basketball players aged 12 to 16 years.
Reference Values of Physical Performances in Young Female Basketball Players in Palestine: Effect of Maturity Status
Layla Jawabreh, Mohamed Tounsi, Ghazi Racil, Antonio Frizziero, Luca Russo, Gian Mario Migliaccio, Johnny Padulo, Yassine Trabelsi
Original Article, 458-469
Keywords: Anthropometry, Basketball, Maturity, peak height velocity, physical performances, Prediction,
Table of Content: Vol. 14 (No.3) 2024 July/September
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Mohamed Tounsi, Thimo Wiewlhove, Ghazi Racil, Marco Gervasi, Antonio Frizziero, Gian Mario Migliaccio, Johnny Padulo, Yassine TrabelsiOriginal Article, 417-429 -
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Development of Predictive Equations to Estimate Regional Muscle Cross Sectional Area Based on Anthropometry
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Reference Values of Physical Performances in Young Female Basketball Players in Palestine: Effect of Maturity Status
Layla Jawabreh, Mohamed Tounsi, Ghazi Racil, Antonio Frizziero, Luca Russo, Gian Mario Migliaccio, Johnny Padulo, Yassine TrabelsiOriginal Article, 458-469 -
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