Comparable Tibial Tunnel Widening despite Compound Differences of Bioabsorbable Interference Screws in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Retrospective Study

SUMMARY Purpose. To evaluate the effect of β-tricalcium phosphate (BCP) concentration in bioabsorbable interference screws on tibial tunnel widening after hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Methods. A total of 37 patients with a mean follow-up of 4.6 years were included for analysis. Bioabsorbable interference screws containing 60% BCP and 40% poly-L,Dlactic acid (PLDLA) (60BCP group) or bioabsorbable interference screws … Continued

Defensive Antibacterial Coating (DAC ® ) for prevention of infection in ACL reconstruction: a feasibility study

SUMMARY Defensive Antibacterial Coating (DAC) is a hydrogel, Conformité Européene (CE)-marked medical device, intended to be used as a disposable, quickly bioresorbable antibacterial coating for implants. The present feasibility study investigated the application of DAC on the grafts, in addition to IV prophylaxis, during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction.

Repair of antero lateral ligament injuries in acute anterior cruciate ligament tears: an in vivo study using navigation

Background. To evaluate the effect of antero-lateral ligament (ALL) repair on the anterior- tibial translation (ATT) and the axial-tibial rotation (ATR) during the pivot-shift test with a navigation system in patient undergoing acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction of acute injuries of anterolateral compartment in cases of acute ACL tears. Methods. Ten consecutive patients operated … Continued