Autograft Soaking in Vancomycin in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Alters Tendons Structure: an Histopathological Interpretation

SUMMARY Background. Anterior cruciate ligament rupture is a frequent injury in sports and infection after reconstruction is rare (0.14-1.8%). Intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis and soaking of autografts with vancomycin (tendons are soaked into a compress that contains 100ml of NaCl mixed with 500 mg of vancomycin for 10-15 min) have been applied in order to avoid infection after ACL reconstruction. … Continued

The Effect of Proximal Posterior Tibial Slope on the Incidence of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury

SUMMARY Several studies have investigated the association of posterior tibial slope (PTS) with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. However, the results have been inconclusive and even contradictory. The first goal of this study was to evaluate the association of PTS with an ACL injury. The second goal was to identify the patients’ characteristics that might affect PTS and ACL … Continued

High Frequency Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in the Immediate Postoperative Period of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Its Effects on Drug Costs During Hospitalization

SUMMARY Introduction. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an important structure for knee stability. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an electrical current that significantly reduces pain. Objective. To assess drug costs associated with high frequency TENS in the immediate postoperative period of ACL reconstruction. Methods. A single-blind randomized clinical trial with 46 patients randomly assigned to a control … Continued

Distal Thigh Compression Garment Improves Female Athlete Knee Control and Sports Movement Safety Perceptions

SUMMARY Introduction. This study measured knee frontal plane projection angle (FPPA) and sports safety and performance perceptions of female athletes during a single leg forward hop down and stabilization (SLFHS) for 3 conditions (standard knee sleeve, no device and distal thigh compression garment (DTCG)). The hypothesis was that the DTCG group would display superior dynamic … Continued

The efficacy of knee orthoses following anterior cruciate ligament injury. Review of literature

Background. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a significant role in controlling anterior tibial translation and rotation. A variety of treatment approaches, including knee orthoses, are used to restore the performance of subjects with ACL injuries. The aim of this review is to explore the efficiency of knee orthoses on the functional performance (walking, standing, … Continued

Histological alterations to the hamstring tendon caused by cleaning during autograft preparation

Introduction. This study evaluates histological alterations in the hamstring tendon caused by cleaning the muscle fibers during preparation of an autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Methods. We collected semitendinosus tendons from 6 patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and used a curette to scratch the tendon for cleaning. Three groups of increasing repetitions … Continued

ACL biomechanical risk factors on single-leg drop-jump: a cohort study comparing football players with and without history of lower limb injury

Background. The maximum knee valgus angle (KVA) and minimum knee flexion angle (KFA) have been identified as risk factors for non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The present study investigated whether a recent history of lower limb injury in professional male football players can affect KVA and KFA during a single-leg vertical drop-jump (SLVDJ). Methods. … Continued

Gait disturbances in football, rugby players and skiers following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Background. Patients who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery may exhibit post-operative lower limb gait disturbances. Design. Laboratory in vivo controlled study. Methods. Kinematics and kinetics parameters of knee motion were measured in post-ACL reconstruction participants (n = 5; m = 4 / f = 1, age 30.6 years, height 179.2 cm, weight … Continued

The efficacy of bi-component carboxymethylcellulose-polysaccharide B as a hemostatic and anti-adherent agent at the tibial insertion of the hamstring tendons after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament

Objective. The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare hemostatic and anti-adherent efficacy of the bi-component carboxymethylcellulose polysaccharide B to the standard of electocauterization at the gracilis and semitendinosis harvest site in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Methods. In this randomized control trial, 32 patients undergoing ACL reconstruction were randomly divided … Continued