Autograft Soaking in Vancomycin in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Alters Tendons Structure: an Histopathological Interpretation

SUMMARY Background. Anterior cruciate ligament rupture is a frequent injury in sports and infection after reconstruction is rare (0.14-1.8%). Intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis and soaking of autografts with vancomycin (tendons are soaked into a compress that contains 100ml of NaCl mixed with 500 mg of vancomycin for 10-15 min) have been applied in order to avoid infection after ACL reconstruction. … Continued

Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis with Collagen Injections: a Pilot Study

SUMMARY Background. Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is the prevalent cause of elbow pain among adults. Collagen injections are used to treat different musculoskeletal disorders. Type I porcine collagen has proved to enhance tendon repair in vitro. Aims of the present pilot study were to verify the effects of type I porcine collagen injections on … Continued

The Effect of Different Suture Materials on Achilles Tendon Metabolism: A Preliminary in vivo Study of mRNA levels in Rabbits

SUMMARY Backround. Different suture materials are preferable for the repair of Achilles tendon ruptures. The effect of the sutures on the biological level on a repair scenario is still tentative. The purpose of this study is to show the effects of Vicryl®, Ethibond® and PDS®II on Achilles tendons at mRNA levels. Methods. 36 Achilles tendons … Continued