Lower-Limb Connective Tissue Morphologic Characteristics in Runners. How Do They Relate with Running Biomechanics and Tendon Pathology? A Systematic Review

SUMMARY Although the role of connective tissue in running injuries and biomechanics has been widely investigated, systematic reviews on this issue were rarely reported. The aim of this study is to systematically review the current literature regarding the morphological characteristics (i.e., cross-sectional area and thickness) of the main connective tissue of the lower limb in runners and its … Continued

Fascia Healing after Induced Tibialis Anterior Muscle Strain: an Experimental Study in Wistar Rats

SUMMARY Background. Recurrence following muscle strain is a serious problem encountered in sports. Muscle and fascia are mechanically integrated in transmitting muscular force. Fascial injury has been associated with muscle strain which may explain its potential contribution to impaired muscle recovery. This study aimed at describing structural changes of fascia and muscle as well as … Continued