Iliotibial Band Trigger Points and Plantar Heel Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study

SUMMARY Background. Plantar heel pain (PHP) is a degenerative plantar fascia syndrome that causes irritation under the heel and a functional deformity during weight bearing. Myofascial involvement, along with biomechanical changes due to tight fibrous connections, seems to contribute to this condition. As there is a fascial connection between plantar fascia, and iliotibial band, trigger points in the … Continued

Fascia Healing after Induced Tibialis Anterior Muscle Strain: an Experimental Study in Wistar Rats

SUMMARY Background. Recurrence following muscle strain is a serious problem encountered in sports. Muscle and fascia are mechanically integrated in transmitting muscular force. Fascial injury has been associated with muscle strain which may explain its potential contribution to impaired muscle recovery. This study aimed at describing structural changes of fascia and muscle as well as … Continued