Effects of Sliding Cupping Therapy on Pain Intensity, Fatigue Perception and Muscle Performance After a 10 Km Run: Protocol for a Sham-Controlled Randomized Clinical Trial

SUMMARY Background. Running induces adaptive responses, such as muscle fatigue that alter muscle strength and power. Button cupping therapy has been applied in clinical prac­tice, under the theories that its application influences the microcirculation and the nervous system, however, there is a scarcity of studies that investigate its effects in athletes. In this context, this … Continued

Caffeine Decreases Neuromuscular Fatigue in the Lumbar Muscles: A Randomized Blind Study

SUMMARY Background. The purpose was to evaluate a possible ergogenic effect on postural muscles, still unknown through Biering-Sørensen’s lumbar extension test. Methods. A double-blind, controlled placebo, crossover study. 51 healthy, physically inactive male subjects (18-25 years) with average body mass (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) were recruited. The subjects received oral caffeine (6 mg/kg) and saline (0.3%) … Continued

Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Patients Recovering from COVID-19

SUMMARY Background. Muscle and joint problems are recognized complications following acute infection of coronavirus infection. Long Covid is the recognized term now that is given to symptoms like fatigue, myalgia, respiratory and neurological problems that occur or persist in recovery phase. Objective. The objective of the present study is to identify the long term musculoskeletal complications of SARS-CoV2 infection … Continued

The Comparative Effects of Cupping Massage and Exercise Training in Patients with Trapezius Myofascial Syndrome on Pain, Disability, and Fatigue. A Randomized Controlled Trial

SUMMARY Background. Cupping therapy is one of the treatments for myofascial pain that has not been sufficiently studied. This study aimed to compare the effects of cupping massage and exercise training on pain, disability and Fatigue severity in patients with trapezius myofascial syndrome. Patients and methods. Forty-four patients were randomly divided into two groups of … Continued