Flexor Tendon Repair with Fast-Absorbable Sutures: A Rupture Incidence-Focused Analysis of a Case Series and a Review

SUMMARY Hand flexor tendon repair with absorbable sutures has the advantage of leaving no foreign material within the tendon. However, clinical application of degradable materials in flexor tendon repair is limited to slow-absorbable PDS or Maxon sutures and commonly does not involve fast-absorbable sutures, probably, because of fear of ruptures. Meanwhile, a small number of … Continued

The A1 Pulley as a Fulcrum for Flexor Tendon Excursion: a Histopathological Study

SUMMARY Purpose. Stenosing tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons which readily causes the alleged “trigger finger” is a common and yet not completely understood phenomenon. The A1 Pulley is the pivot point at which the force protracted by the flexors of the digits acts upon the fulcrum at the leading edge of the pulley. We performed a histopathological study aimed … Continued