Achilles Tendon Rupture in Professional Football Player: an Epidemiological Study in European Championship With A Mid-Term Follow-Up

SUMMARY Background. To evaluate the role of age in Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) and the impact of ATR on professional football (soccer) players. The data considered were age, body mass index (BMI), position, injury history, affected side, return to play (RTP) rate and time and percentage of played minutes per season (MPS) for the two pre-injury and two post-injury … Continued

Gait disturbances in football, rugby players and skiers following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Background. Patients who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery may exhibit post-operative lower limb gait disturbances. Design. Laboratory in vivo controlled study. Methods. Kinematics and kinetics parameters of knee motion were measured in post-ACL reconstruction participants (n = 5; m = 4 / f = 1, age 30.6 years, height 179.2 cm, weight … Continued