Ligamentum Teres and its Analog in the Hip Endoprosthesis – Necessary or Superfluous? A Systematic Review

SUMMARY Background. Dislocation of hip endoprosthesis remains a common and serious complication of arthroplastic interventions. One of the ways to prevent endoprosthesis dislocation is to integrate a ligamentum teres analog into its design. Purpose. Reviewing international experience in the design, development and insertion of hip endoprosthesis with the native ligamentum teres or its analog. Materials and methods. A … Continued

Ligamentum capitis femoris: first written mentions

Background. A ligamentum capitis femoris (syn. ligamentum teres) is one of the least studied anatomical structures. We know little about its role in the musculoskeletal system, and even less about its first written mentions. Purpose. This article is intended to clarify who and when first described the connection of the head of the femur in … Continued