Reference Values of Specific Physical Performances of Elite Youth Male Soccer Players: Taking into Consideration the Maturity Status

SUMMARY Background. Recognizing the significance of maturity-related adaptations is impera­tive for specialists and coaches when designing training regimens to nurture long-term athlete development. Objective. This study aims to explore how both chronological age and maturity status influence anthropometric measurements and physical performance in elite youth male soccer-players. Additionally, our goal is to establish percentile values … Continued

Exercise is Effective for Disease Activity Control with Various Effects on Entheses: An Ultrasound-Based Study

SUMMARY Introduction. The effect of physical activity on disease activity and enthesitis in patients with spondyloarthritis is unknown. We aimed to describe clinical and enthesis features and disease activity of spondyloarthritis patients and to assess the association between physical activity and disease activity. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study including consecutive patients followed for radiographic … Continued

Return to Sport After Patellar Tendon Rupture: a Systematic Review

SUMMARY Background. Patellar tendon rupture is a rare and disabling injury that may occur during sport practice and is considered as the 4th stage of the Blazina’s classification of jumper’s knee. Return to sport after patellar tendon rupture has not been clearly assessed. Methods. Medical databases were screened, and article research extended from 1980 to … Continued