Effects of Subscapularis Muscle Dry Needling on clinical symptom improvement in People with Frozen Shoulder: A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol

SUMMARY Background. Frozen shoulder is one of the major complaints among mid-aged and elderly populations and its initial symptoms are common with the initial symptoms of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) of the subscapularis. Developing MTrPs of the  subscapularis is prevalent and may aggravate frozen shoulder manifestations. Dry needling (DN), as a new approach, can deactivate … Continued

The Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH): A Literature Review on the Rehabilitation Treatment

SUMMARY Introduction. The diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), also known as Forestier-Rotès-Querol disease, is a systemic pathology characterized by the diffuse ossification of the ligaments of the spinal column. It can be linked to several metabolic disorders, such as obesity and type II diabetes, and its prevalence among the elderly population is high. DISH may … Continued

Physiotherapy Interventions and Assessment Methods for Diastasis Recti Abdominis in Postpartum Women: A Systematic Review Protocol

SUMMARY Background. Diastasis recti (DR) or separation of the bulks of rectus abdominis muscle is often caused by pregnancy. Physiotherapy of DR includes exercise therapy, electrical stimulation (ES), kinesiotaping and bracing. Additionally, there are several measure­ment methods and levels for inter rectus distance (IRD) assessment, but their effects on the significance of the results following … Continued

The Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI): Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Italian Version

SUMMARY Introduction. The Italian version of the Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI) may help assess shoulder function in patients with shoulder problems, especially athletes. Objective. Translate and cross-culturally adapt UEFI into Italian; verify UEFI validity and reliability in professional and amateur athletes with upper limb musculoskeletal disorders, shoulder, in particular. Methods. This study was conducted with 150 participants … Continued

The Shoulder Activity Level: an Italian Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation

SUMMARY Introduction. In this study we aimed to cross-culturally translate the Shoulder Activity Level (SAL) into Italian language and assess its clinimetric properties including reliability, validity, and responsiveness. The objective was to evaluate activity level in patients with shoulder disorders. Methods. Italian version of the SAL was obtained after forward-backward translation. Three questionnaires were completed by the participants: … Continued

Electroacupuncture and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: a Blind Randomized Clinical Trial

SUMMARY Background. Chronic nonspecific low back pain impairs function in affected individuals. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) has shown to be effective in reducing the intensity of chronic nonspecific low back pain and should be used as a complementary treatment. The same can be said for electroacupuncture (EA), which consists of the application of electrical … Continued

Investigation of the Contraction Ratio of Transversus Abdominis and Internal Oblique Muscles during Lumbopelvic Stability Test

SUMMARY Background. The clinicians administer lumbopelvic stability test (LPST) to evaluate core stability of lumbar spine and TrA muscle function. While the reduced thickness and contraction ratio of the TrA was well documented among people with nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP), the direct morphological changes of TrA during the LPST had not been reported so … Continued