Injuries Associated to Subtalar Dislocation: A Systematic Review

SUMMARY Introduction. About 1% of all ankle dislocations are subtalar dislocations (SD), a rare kind of injury. The talocalcaneal and talonavicular joints dislocate simultaneously in SD, although the tibiotalar and calcaneocuboid joints stay intact. Ankle and foot radiographs taken from the front, posterior, lateral, and oblique views are typically used to diagnose subtalar dislocation. fractures … Continued

Snapping of the Upper Limb: a Clinical Overview

SUMMARY Snapping results from an abrupt displacement of an anatomic or pathologic structure during the movement of a closely related joint. Snaps are audible, palpable, and often, visible. Snapping phenomena are common within the general population and, in most cases, are associated with mild symptoms. However, especially in athletes, snapping could determine pain and functional impairment that may severely … Continued

Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus blind interventions for supraspinatus tendinopathy: a cadaveric study

Background. The treatment of supraspinatus tendinopathy remains a challenge for the health professional. This study aims to analyze the precision of needle interventions in lesions of the supraspinatus tendon when conducting them in an ultrasound-guided or non-ultrasound guided (blind) manner. Methods. Study on cadaver with infiltrations performed under ultrasound control or blind after randomization of … Continued